Thursday, April 25, 2013

If you trying to setup JSF2 + IceFaces + Hibernate + Spring in Maven2 pom…

If you trying to setup JSF2 + IceFaces + Hibernate + Spring in Maven2 pom you are risking of loosing so much time if you do it from scratch… Trust me I did until I came across this great post. This blog has archetypes prepared for different flavors of libraries which is a great starting point for setting up a new application development.

Have a look and spare yourself from frustration!

Thanks Robert for a superb work!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Articles must read on using Transactions in Spring

It is very important subject but quite often overlooked by many developers. Some do not have complete understanding and develop software that "works" for years until the issue is finally triggered by some non-trivial scenario. At times issues are silent and when found it is quite difficult (if possible) to fix data as traces of the transactions been lost over time or damage is great...